This will probably NOT be my most popular blogpost, but life can’t always be about popularity so here it goes. This is a deeper dive into the incidents that have happened when carrying/babywearing. Why? Because it rarely discussed, therefore rarely analysed and because there have been some recent cases (indicating that we haven’t solved this…Fortsätt läsa Causes, epidemiology and data of incidents.
Kategori: Safety
It’s uncomfortable to talk about the uncomfortable!
During the weekend I gave a talk at the Norwegian babywearing conference, and since my lovely husband was there and decided to record the entire talk I now have the possibility of actually watching myself as I talked about the NICU, babywearing and somethings they may have in common. On the plane home hubs pointed…Fortsätt läsa It’s uncomfortable to talk about the uncomfortable!
Som lite lätt arbetsskadad barnsjuksköterska och bärandekonsult så är säkerhet vid bärande en hjärtefråga. För mig är det en aspekt som sticker ut och det är FRIA LUFTVÄGAR. Men, vad är luftvägar, varför ska den hållas fri och varför spelar det roll vid bärande? Luftvägarna är hela den väg som luften behöver färdas för att…Fortsätt läsa LUFTVÄGAR, LUFTVÄGAR, LUFTVÄGAR.
Airways, airways, airways (AKA safety when carrying).
Safety must always come first, and so is also the case when carrying or babywearing. But what aspects do you need to consider? Is it the same for every one? Is something more important than others? In my point of view, as a carrying consultant and as a NICU/Neonatal nurse, one triumphs them all: keeping…Fortsätt läsa Airways, airways, airways (AKA safety when carrying).